Cat Around Town Project (CAT) is a non profit, 501c3 cat rescue organization that promotes a cooperative effort to reduce the free roaming cat population in our community through adoption, education and TNR.
We strive to focus on the root of the problem. We believe we are proactively controlling overpopulation as its source by spaying and neutering as many stray and colony cats as possible. All adoptable kittens and any cats are removed from the colonies and adopted to suitable homes and one day, when the supply meets the demand, there will be a home waiting for every kitten in our community.
Join us and help make a difference.
Our goal is to educate the public on the benefits associated with a successful TNR program because so many people are unaware of the benefits of TNR as well as spaying/neutering of personal pets.
We depend on foster homes to help stray cats from the community, colonies and shelters get a second chance at finding a home – a chance they may not have received otherwise. Many of the cats who need foster homes require extra care and attention, so when placed in a loving foster home, every cat receives the individual attention needed to help them find their furrever family. Become a FOSTER today!
TNR, trap-neuter-return is the humane practice of trapping community cats, who cannot be domesticated, spaying or neutering them and returning them to their original colony. Volunteers are needed to trap and transport colony cats to the spay/neuter facilities, monitor them after surgery and transport them back to their original colonies. Want to be part of the solution? Find the TNR Assistance Request form HERE!
Colony Caretakers:
We manage many community cat colonies which includes providing fresh food and water daily as well as watching for any sign of illness or injury. At the same time, any kittens and adoptable cats are removed and taken into foster homes for socialization and adoption. The end goal is to remove all adoptable members and provide TNR to anyone who remains. Become a VOLUNTEER today!
We plan PetSmart adoption event days every Saturday in Columbia on Ft Jackson Blvd. You can help promote our available kitties. From greeting customers to talking with prospective adopters. We want our community to know who we are and what we strive to accomplish. This is an easy and rewarding way to get involved and help a cat find their furever home! Become a VOLUNTEER today!
Invest in an organization that strives to ensure that no cat is forgotten. We are always looking for new ways to raise awareness and are in need of support from donors of food, litter and time to monetary donations to help cover medical cost; no amount is too small. Interested in the future? Interested in sponsoring a colony or foster pet? Contact us for more information. Together we can save lives. DONATE today!
Social Media:
Spread the word…tell your friends, coworkers and fellow animal lovers all about us! Invite them to like us on Facebook, follow us on Tik Tok, Instagram & Twitter and visit our website. The bigger our reach, the greater our impact! Together, we can help make Kershaw County a No Kill County!
Every life is a miracle and deserving of our humanity and kindness.